Julie Richie
t echno l ogy
MAY 2017
very day it seems there’s some
new technology available to
make our lives more efficient, safer,
more fun or increasingly productive.
You won’t find many purses or
backpacks without a USB or a portable
power bank in one of their zippered
compartments these days. And as for
phone charging cords, if you don’t
have one with you, it’s probably
because you forgot it at home, in your
car or, worse, at your hotel room in
the city you just left. According to, phone chargers
are the No. 1 item left in hotel rooms.
With tech products incorporated
into practically every aspect of
our lives, they are natural brand
promoters, even when left behind.
Here are some of the newer
technology products that can help
put your clients’ brands in their
customers’ hands, on their desks or in
their homes.
Boost any brand’s
reach with popular
technology tools that
upgrade home, work and
travel experiences.