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would be impossible to serve them

properly. But if you divide these into

small groups andmarket the right

message to each group, your success

rate can increase dramatically.


The Client’s Needs

When we understand the

specific needs of our clients, our

efforts will pay big dividends. It is

imperative that our messaging be

about themand not about us. Your

messagemust resonate with your

client in a compellingmanner in

order to get noticed. You can do

this by asking questions, reading,

doing research and becoming

involved in various aspects of their

business. For example, when I

hadmymarketing company, one

of my strongest vertical markets

was hospitality. I went tomy

clients’ trade shows, spoke at their

events, was amember of their

associations, read and contributed

to their literature and always asked

questions about their business.

I could talk about it because I

was involved in it. By having

this knowledge base and being

connected, I was seen as being

relevant in that space and the go-to

guy who understood the needs,

concerns and wants of that market.

You can do this too.

Translating The Model

To Help Your Clients

When you are seen as a

professional promotional consultant,

your clients will value you as an

asset to their success, rather than

seeing you as just another products

salesperson. Make nomistake—

the solution they needmight be a

product, but as a savvymarketer

you can offer somuchmore.

Cliff Quicksell, Jr., MAS+, serves

both as a consultant and acting

director of marketing for distributor

iPROMOTEu. He has been in the

promotional industry for more

than 30 years in various capacities.

Additionally, Quicksell is president

of his own international speaking

and consulting company, speaking,

coaching and consulting on ways

andmethods that companies can

grow, expand and prosper. He has

helped and spoken to audiences

inmore than eight countries and

has published two books and

more than 800 articles on sales,

marketing and creativity. He can be

reached at 301-717-0615, via email


or on

his LinkedIn profile.

Hear Cliff

Quicksell Live

Cliff Quicksell will

present a three-hour

workshop on using

the marketing sales

funnel at noon on

Sunday, January 8,

2017 during The PPAI

Expo in Las Vegas.

In this workshop,

he will explain the

entire process, share

examples and answer

questions. Register for

the session when you

register for the show


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