side from being a parent, being a boss is one
of the most difficult jobs on the planet for a
number of reasons. Bosses have to hire the
right people (and be comfortable that they may be
more experienced or just plain smarter), they have to
make difficult decisions that some people won’t like,
and when things go wrong it’s the boss who has to
bear most of the blame.
On the flipside, if one does it right, being a boss
has its perks—including loyal employees who openly
praise their boss’s leadership, admire their abilities
and truly value them as mentors, coaches and friends.
seeks out and spotlights the industry’s best
bosses annually, and in this issue we are pleased to
reveal the latest lineup of top people managers.
It’s tough being a good boss
but these 11 have found
out how to keep it cool.
Best Bosses