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exercise you can determine in

which vertical markets you have

the greatest sales and profitability.


Next, look carefully

at each client and determine

their hierarchy. I like using an A

through F system; let me explain.

ºº “A” listed companies aremy

top-level clients. I consider

themso because they

appreciatemy value, don’t

beat me up on price, are open

to suggestions and ideas,

pay on time, are easy towork

with, have potential to grow,

spend $30,000 annually, their

business givesme a high

gross profit, etc.

ºº “B” through “D” listed

clients and prospects are

just a step down at each

level—each category and its

characteristics are different

for each distributor. You set

the rules.

ºº “E” listed clients are ones

that have all negative

characteristics: pay late,

always complain, don’t

appreciate or valuemy

suggestions, not profitable,

etc. Consider getting rid of

these clients because they are

wasting your time.

ºº My “F” listed accounts are

held in this category for 120

days for evaluation purposes

so I can determine their true

value tomy organization.

Evaluation And Marketing

To Classification Levels

By having a baseline

understanding of my best and

worst clients, I can now look at

mapping these characteristics

when creatingmymarketing plan

and determining which clients I

market to first. Remember, you have

only 24 hours in a day, and only

“x” number of hours for business

activities, so it’s imperative to spend

themwisely with those clients that

give you the greatest returnwith the

least amount of drama. Youwant

to nurture your accounts—trying

where possible tomove themup the

scale: “C’s” to “B’s” and “B’s” to “A’s.”

Keep inmind this doesn’t always

happen, but it should be your goal.

Targeting The Right

Prospects With

The Right Message

This process will also help assure

that your marketingmessage

resonates with your targeted

audience. Marketing is testing and

is not an exact science; however,

marketers canmake a strong

impact with their messaging if it’s

targeted properly.

In today’s world it’s not

uncommon for distributors to show

a self-promotion product, a pen,

for example, to their client and

cross their fingers that they’ll get

the order. But if the client is trying

to drive their audience to an event,

a penmay not be the right product

to accomplish that result. So in that

case, themessaging is irrelevant

and, therefore, so is the distributor.

When I target prospects I use a

funnel sectioned off in layers (see

diagram). For example, the number

of lawfirms in Chicago is huge. But

when I insert a layer of criteria, I

manage to narrowdown the field.

Themore layers or criteria, the

narrower the field.This is important

because, generally, we try to go after

toomuch newbusiness at once.

The average distributor couldn’t

handle 50 to 100 new clients; it

500 Law Firms

in Chicago


Corporate Law

5 mile radius

of downtown



Have a marketing



By adding criteria

you narrow down the

targeted field; remove a

criterion or two and you

expand the target list.

When we

understand the

specific needs of

our clients, our

efforts will pay

big dividends. It

is imperative that

our messaging be

about them and

not about us.


