AUGUST 2016 •
• 93
PPAI’s Carol Gauger Teaches
At Kids In Need Summit
Michigan Promotional
Professionals Association
(MiPPA) held its Legislative
Education Action Day June 7 at
the State Capitol in Lansing. The
regional association brought leg-
islators and industry members
together at a breakfast meeting
to give the audience an overview
of the industry and the needs of
small business owners.
Afterwards, the MiPPA delega-
tion visited offices of several rep-
resentatives and senators, deliv-
ering bags of Michigan-branded
or produced promotional prod-
ucts and information about the
industry and its issues of concern.
MiPPA Hosts Inaugural
Legislative Education Action
Day In Lansing
Jane Mitchell, CAS
, owner of Jungle Jane Promotions and MiPPA
treasurer spoke on Michigan-based suppliers, many of which had
donated products for the event.
Paul Kiewiet, MAS+
, executive director of MiPPA, shared an
overview of the industry with the audience in Lansing.
Send us your company or industry
organization photos for possible inclusion in Snapshots in
an upcoming issue. Email high-resolution images to
News Editor James Khattak at
JamesK@ppai.organd be
sure to include a description, plus your name and contact
Carol Gauger, MAS, PPAI’s director of member engagement and
regional relations, delivered an education presentation, The Proven
Power of Promotional Products, during the
Kids In Need
(KINF) National Network Summit in Westlake, Texas on
June 23. The interactive presentation introduced attendees to the uses,
value and importance of promotional products as a powerful marketing
tool. Audience members were those who operate teacher resource
centers nationwide as well as individuals responsible for fund-raising
programs for the Ohio-based nonprofit. PPAI has supported KINF’s
mission and programs since 2007, including working with the organiza-
tion to collect donated products following The PPAI Expo each year.
From left are
John Mika
, director of The Teacher’s Desk;
manager of gift-in-kind and volunteer coordinator, KINF;
Carol Gauger, MAS
, and
Dave Smith
, executive director, KINF.