JUNE 2016 •
• 9
to page
through a new print catalog, the
reality is I hardly ever get one out
of the file drawer. The drawer
becomes its final resting place
until it’s discarded next year.
Digital catalogs and online serv-
ices such as SAGE are my medi-
um of choice. However, too many
times, the order confirmation
comes back with additional
charges that were nowhere to be
found online. Now we are in a
tight spot. The customer has
already been quoted, so we have
to take the hit on commission. I
believe the “general information”
page in the back of the catalog
doesn’t work in the online world.
I want to see all charges and
options along with the product
information. If there are charges
to be applied, then please own it.
Put it in a size I can see.
Douglas Miller
Printing & Marketing Solutions
Horseshoe Bay, Texas
And Its
Since 2012, there have been hun-
dreds of acquisitions in the promo-
tional products industry involving
dozens of companies. The bulk of
the larger-company activity appears
to be on the supplier side of the
industry, but the distributor side
has had its share as well. The May
issue cover feature, “Industry
Consolidation: Are We Better
Off?,” examined potential factors
that may be causing the consolida-
tion activity and what it may
mean to the marketplace.
in the regional
association community, consoli-
dation is definitely a struggle.
For instance, we have five com-
panies that were members a few
years ago that are now with
Geiger, and now under their
membership. The same is true
for HALO, Kaeser & Blair, etc.
On the supplier side, we’re seeing
the same thing—as companies
consolidate, so do their member-
ships and trade show booths.
This is forcing regional associa-
tions to step up their game to
remain relevant and attract new
members. This is something that
is front-of-mind every year dur-
ing our planning meetings. My
gut feeling is it will make us all
better in the end.
Mark Farrar
Executive Director
Promotional Products Association
of the Mid-South (PPAMS)
Nashville, Tennessee
UPIC: ppams
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