PPAI Magazine January 2024

Is The Fee Worth It? Industry pros are quick to share expertise, insights and opinions on all things promo. Amid this batch of answered questions, distributors discuss fees – whether they’re worth it, when to add them and how to avoid them. Compiled by Kristina Valdez Q A Distributor Asks: When a client objects to a screen reset, saying, “I already paid for it, why do I have to pay again? It seems like a rip-off,” how do you reply? Even after gently informing her that the fees are from the supplier, not me, she insists that she shouldn’t have to pay. Would you remove the fee or charge her? It’s a small, twice-a-year order for 200 bags, so I’m not making tons of money on her account, but I don’t want to lose any business if I can avoid it. Instead of looking at how to explain the charge to her, you could consider that she’s trying to tell you what matters to her. She may not be interested in the who and why of the charge, she just wants to have it gone and that item stands out to her. Did she mention the cost per bag? If you want her business, then frame the quotes in the way it matters to her and not in the way that speaks to your business. How much is the reorder screen, maybe $40? That’s only $0.20 more per bag, so next time up the cost per bag or whatever to cover your future charges. For this order, you can frame this for yourself in customer retention – you might spend $30-$40 taking her out to lunch, so instead make her happy this way. And then, this is vital, thank her for telling you what matters to her. Other clients might just stop ordering from you, but this client took the time to question and discuss. Be sure to let her know her business relationship, not orders, is important to you. ISA COCALLAS Owner 3Koi Kihei, Hawaii PPAI 240572, D2 Explain that the initial setup has two parts: a film and a screen. The vendor keeps the film in file but needs to remake the screen with every subsequent order. Otherwise, just build it into the price if they don’t get it. CRAIG WEISS VP of Sales and Marketing Initial Impression PPAI 102875, D5 San Diego, California I roll the basic setup fees right into the product price in both the SAGE presentations I create and the order approvals I send the clients. It removes that friction. I do call it out if additional setup fees or run charges are needed as separate line items – sometimes that helps them decide that a one-color or single-location imprint will work better for their budget. RAMA BEERFAS, MAS, CTSM Owner Lev Promotions Santee, California PPAI 218331, D1 Roman Samborskyi / Shutterstock.com 34 • JANUARY 2024 • PPAI Voices | Solutions