Two ForThe Road
Research reveals two types of brand loyalty and the factors that drive them.
If you’ve got a stable of loyal, longtime customers, chances
are they fall into one of two categories: satisfied and committed.
The Relentless Relevance Study from brand and marketing firm
Prophet looked at 400 brands and measured more than 20 points
of brand relevance.
What the study shows is that the satisfied customers buy
regularly (often as a habit) because they appreciate consistency in
performance over a period of time. The brand they follow is familiar
and dependable. For many brands, the satisfied customer makes
up the core loyalty group. These companies include staple brands
such as Band-Aid and Betty Crocker.
The committed customers are more intense brand
ambassadors, displaying an emotional attachment to their
preferred brands and acting as advocates, telling others about their
experiences. Brands with products that require a higher level of
involvement should nurture their committed client relationships to
build a core group of fans from this particular group.
Which core group should your brand pursue? It depends on
your products and services, of course. Are you changing over
time, branching out into what’s new and innovative, always striving
to achieve cutting-edge status? If so, consider building a core of
committed clients. Engage them with consistent social media and
opportunities for individual interaction.
If the primary characteristic of your company is long-term reliability
and consistent quality, reach out to your satisfied customers—woo
them with a sense of nostalgia and appeal to their loyalty with
opportunities for rewards and first-to-market sampling.
Whether you strive to build one group or another—or both—the
study encourages a strong commitment to ongoing, consistent
quality of your deliverables.
MARCH 2017
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