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f you hadn’t noticed, it’s

election season. We would be

the first to admit that you don’t

often see articles about politics



—and we promise this one

doesn’t take sides.

The Consumer Product Safety

Commission (CPSC) is headed by

five commissioners who create

and enforce product safety rules

for most of the consumer products

in the U.S., including promotional

products. How does your vote

influence your company’s catalog?

Your Vote And

The Promotional

Product Industry

Your vote in the November

election does have a big impact—

but, as we will see, it’s not only

your vote that matters.

CPSC is structured so that

the sitting president’s party

holds a three-to-two majority

on the commission, so during

the Obama administration,

three commissioners are

Democrats and two are

Republicans. The next

president will choose the

chairman of the CPSC and that

person’s party will also hold the

majority of the commission.

The new chairman, whoever

that may be, is a powerful

figure who directs the priorities

and the pocketbook of the

agency. Those subject areas

for regulation or investigation

could cover items in the

promotional industry,

such as lithium-ion battery

products like charging packs,

or something far afield from

the promotional industry, like

all-terrain vehicles (ATVs),

playground crumb rubber

toxicity or flame retardants

in upholstered furniture. The

CPSC has an incredibly broad

portfolio and the chairman has

wide latitude in directing the

power of the agency.

In these pages, you have likely

read articles about the current

direction of the agency.The

current chairman, Elliot F. Kaye,

is generally perceived as having

been themost aggressive CPSC

chairman in a generation. In his

relatively brief chairmanship, he

has taken very strong enforcement

stands for the agency. Just this

year alone, the commission has

levied the largest civil penalty in

its history, $15.45million, and is

on track for another record-setting

year of civil penalties. Also, this

It’s Not Only Your Vote That Matters


whoever thatmay

be, is a powerful

figurewho directs

the priorities and

the pocketbook

of the agency.

Trump vs.

Clinton Affects

Product Safety




Might Think.


Neal Cohen



