Danielle Rogers
Communications & Training Coordinator
The Vernon Company
UPIC: Vernon
As a member of the Millennial gen-
eration, I think there are two extremes
when it comes to social media in the
promotional products industry. It’s either
radio silence or content overload.
Whether it’s because distributors don’t
have enough time in their day or
because they take automation to a whole
new level, social media has lost some of
its humanity. Trust me when I say there
is a happy medium that will work for
your business and will make your online
presence more human.
My first piece of advice is to find out
where your customers and prospects are.
If they aren’t on Twitter—there’s no rea-
son to create a profile. If they aren’t on
Facebook, why create a page that no one
will like? You don’t have to be on every
social network. Find what works for you.
Since the promotional marketing
industry is mostly B2B, my suggestion is
that you spend your time on LinkedIn.
Why? Most of your buyers are in man-
agement, marketing or professional posi-
tions and will have a LinkedIn profile.
You should have one too. This one pro-
file gives you the ability to write posts,
upload photos, share updates, connect
with customers
prospects, and join
conversations in groups.
My second tip is to make sure that
you create content to share. What do I
mean by that? Social media isn’t just
about broadcasting items, specials and
sales at an audience. It’s about building a
relationship. And to build a relationship,
you need to have a story to tell. One
piece of content can be shared three or
four different ways, giving you plenty of
things to share with minimal effort.
A Distributor Asks:
I’ve heard a lot about how social media can help a small business
by helping to build our brand and further relationships with our
customers. However, our company is small and I have no one
who can take this on, even part time. If I’ve only got a couple of
hours a week to devote to promoting my company through
social media, where should I spend my time? What activities are
most important?
JANUARY 2016 •
• 19