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Going forward, the GSP renewal

extends until December 31, 2017 and per-

mits retroactive claims going back to August

1, 2013. It also broadens certain categories



GSP-eligible goods (subject to

presidential approval), most importantly the

“travel goods” category including purses,

handbags, backpacks, wallets and similar


How do importers claim GSP duty-free

status for their goods going forward?

Importers claiming GSP duty-free entry

for their goods should comply with the fol-

lowing four steps:

Step 1: The product must be GSP-eligible

in the tariff (the HTSUS).

A GSP-eligible

product in the tariff (the HTSUS) has the

designation A, A+ or A* in the “Special” col-

umn next to the product’s 10-digit tariff

code. (You can find the HTSUS on the U.S.

International Trade Commission’s website,, or the Customs and Border

Protection (CBP) website,

Step 2: The product must be imported

directly into the United States.

Ensure that

the product is imported directly into the U.S.

from the GSP-eligible country where it was

produced. Do not let the product enter the

commerce of any third country en route to

the U.S.

Step 3: Ensure the product meets the

GSP’s 35-percent value-added and country

of origin requirements.

Ensure that at least

35 percent of the value of the product is

attributable to the sum of (1) the cost or

value of the materials produced in the BDC,

plus (2) the direct costs of processing opera-

tions performed in the BDC. That BDC

must also be the country of origin of the

imported product.

Step 4: Make the GSP claim to Customs.

The importer has to make the GSP duty-free

claim on the entry documents when the

goods are imported. Usually, this requires

placing the A, A+, or A* GSP indicator on

the Entry Summary (CBP Form 7501)

and/or the Entry (CBP Form 3461) next to

the line item covering GSP-eligible goods.

If the importer fails to provide this notice

at the time of importation then the importer

might be able to amend the entry or notify

Customs of the GSP claim before the entry

liquidates. (After the entry liquidates, an

importer can file a protest against Customs’

denial of a GSP claim already made, but can-

not use a protest to make the initial claim.)

How do I claim GSP duty-free status


To claim GSP duty-free status retroac-

tively for goods imported during the lapse

period (August 1, 2013 – July 28, 2015) the

importer must meet the above four require-

ments, but there is one important additional


Importers have until December 26,

2015 to make a retroactive GSP claim [typically,

A, A+ or A*) for GSP-eligible goods that entered

during the lapse period.

Many importers and

customs brokers put the GSP indicator on

the entry documents during the lapse period

as a precaution, and for those companies no

further action is necessary. However, if the

GSP indicator for GSP-eligible goods

entered during the lapse period was not put

on the entry documents, then

don’t wait

. File

the GSP claim as soon as possible.

Follow these helpful GSP tips.

If your goods are just under the 35-percent

value-added requirement, don’t give up, but if

your goods are just at the 35-percent require-

ment, don’t cut it too close.

If you believe you

may have a GSP claim but the goods are just

under the 35-percent value-added require-

ment, check with a GSP expert (your cus-

toms broker, a customs consultant or your

customs attorney) and review the Customs’

GSP audit guide. You might be surprised at

costs permitted in this calculation which are

oftentimes overlooked. For example, there are

certain fringe benefits, insurance, engineering,

quality control, facility maintenance, waste

and payroll taxes to name a few. But if you

are at or just above the 35-percent require-

ment, this creates a red flag and there’s no

margin for error. In this case, we strongly

suggest consulting GSP compliance experts

to understand the risks and ensure a cushion

if any costs or calculations change.

The list of GSP-eligible products and GSP-eligi-

ble countries changes:

The GSP is not static;

the list of eligible goods changes and the list

of countries change. For example, Russia and

Bangladesh used to be GSP-eligible; now

they’re not. The law used to exclude travel

goods (wallets, purses, backpacks, etc.); now

the door is open for these products to become

GSP-eligible. There are dollar limits on how

much of a particular item can enter the U.S.

as GSP duty-free goods (also called a

Competitive Need Limitation or CNL), but

the President has the discretion to waive

CNLs. Bottom line: Make sure you’re up to

date on what products and countries are

GSP-eligible and make sure you’re using up-

to-date materials.

GSP engineering is OK, but be compliant:

Some importers rely on the GSP for prof-

itability. They structure their purchases and

manufacturing carefully to ensure the fin-

ished product is GSP-eligible. They purchase

raw materials from a GSP-eligible manufac-

turer. They ensure that non-BDC raw mate-

rials are “substantially transformed” into an

intermediate component that can be counted

as part of the finished product’s 35-percent

value-added requirement in the BDC. They

analyze and track their costs in the BDC

carefully. All of this is fine and even encour-

aged; however, GSP importers should antici-

pate that Customs may require substantia-

tion for the GSP claim. Requests for infor-

mation and supporting documents for GSP

claims are not usual. Customs has also been

known to audit importers for GSP compli-

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Tune In

Increase your knowledge and

understanding of the GSP by

watching an on-demand webi-

nar presented by Robert Stang.

The 60-minute presentation is

free to PPAI members and non-

members. Find it under

Education on the e-Learning

page at


Practical Guide To Generalized

System of Preferences (GSP)

Presented by Robert Stang

Recorded September 10, 2015

60 Minutes
