PPAI Magazine December 2024

Must Read | Expo Success Success Stories From The PPAI Expo Attendees and exhibitors share how the products they discovered and the relationships they made at promo’s grandest event have improved their business. By John Corrigan The PPAI Expo holds immeasurable value in providing direct interactions and discussions among members of the promotional products industry. It’s more than just the hub for an unmatched array of new products, fueling an immersive experience crucial for meeting client needs throughout the year. The annual event embodies the promise of substantial business expansion arising from newly established relationships between suppliers, distributors, business services members and beyond. Whether it’s discovering the latest product or trend to capitalize on, making connections with peers or learning new tools or strategies, The PPAI Expo offers a plethora of ways for you to improve your business. PPAI Media has gathered the success stories of several Expo attendees as a testament to the everlasting impact of the largest and longest-running promo trade show. Karie Ballway, executive vice president, Cooley Group Jen Maschmidt, senior national sales manager, Olive & Cocoa 58 • DECEMBER 2024 • PPAI