PPAI Magazine October 2024

Supplier Sales Support Materials GOLD Koozie Group Tampa, Florida Materials Matter Writing Instruments Mailer Objective: Distributors and their customers still have a lot of questions about the benefits of eco-friendly writing instruments, so Koozie Group developed a selling tool that contained both samples and an educational element. Strategy & Execution: Koozie Group’s kit showcased five pens made with recycled materials and included a card that defined types of recycled materials, as well as provided tips for creating promotions with an ecological bent. Because materials matter, the supplier put the pens and card inside a pouch made with rPET, and the entire mailing was sent in a compostable padded envelope with an eco-friendly label. Results: The campaign generated an estimated 16,267 impressions with a relatively low cost per item of $0.86. Koozie Group logged several sales opportunities with a total value of over $30,000, and sales volume on the five featured writing instruments increased by 11% from the previous year. The sales team also reported a lot of positive feedback on the mailing, and one distributor even replicated it with their own customers. SILVER Showdown Displays Brooklyn Center, Minnesota 2023 Showdown Displays Tradeshow Lookbook Objective: Showdown Displays’ 2023 Tradeshow Lookbook showcases products in a variety of curated collections. Strategy & Execution: The main focus of the lookbook was to provide inspiration and guidance on how Showdown Displays’ products can be used to elevate a brand. Results: By offering this collateral, Showdown equipped clients to make their make their next tradeshow display easy. Must Read | Pyramid Awards In Marketing 50 • OCTOBER 2024 • PPAI