PPAI Magazine September 2024

The State of Responsibility 2024 | Must Read TABLE 11: Do you have policies in place to continually improve the positive contribution to the economy and social well-being of the communities your facilities are located in? Yes No Other PPAI 100 Suppliers: 77% 17% 6% Suppliers $100M+: 79% 14% 7% Suppliers $50M-$100M: 75% 19% 6% Suppliers $25M-$50M: 83% 17% 0% Suppliers $5M-$25M: 89% 0% 11% Suppliers Under $5M: 58% 42% 0% From PromoCares to the Promotional Products Education Foundation to other philanthropic initiatives, the industry’s generosity is well-documented. Therefore, it’s no surprise that more than half of suppliers in all categories have baked stewardship and charity into their DNA. TABLE 12: Do you have a DEI policy that is reinforced with regular training for new and existing employees at your company? Yes No PPAI 100 Suppliers: 71% 29% Suppliers $100M+: 86% 14% Suppliers $50M-$100M: 75% 25% Suppliers $25M-$50M: 50% 50% Suppliers $5M-$25M: 56% 44% Suppliers Under $5M: 50% 50% Based on the data, it appears that diversity, equity and inclusion training isn’t as much of a priority for suppliers generating $50 million and under. Perhaps those companies aren’t sure where to find cost-effective solutions. The PPAI Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Playbook is available for download at ppai.org/ advocacy/diversity-inclusion. TABLE 13: Does your company employ a person or team dedicated to ensuring product safety and compliance (such as California Prop 65, Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act, etc.)? Yes No PPAI 100 Suppliers: 100% 0% Suppliers $100M+: 100% 0% Suppliers $50M-$100M: 100% 0% Suppliers $25M-$50M: 100% 0% Suppliers $5M-$25M: 100% 0% Suppliers Under $5M: 67% 33% “Based on the data, my sense is the industry has become fully actualized relative to social responsibility, compliance and product safety,” says Barrett Hubbard, president and CEO of Richmond, Virginia-based DLA Promotions. “If the responses are accurate, moving the needle further is akin to ‘the last mile’ in the cable industry. Over time, other issues will arise that need attention; however, great progress has been made.” Terri Gein, finance and sales special projects director at MAC Specialties – the No. 76 supplier in the PPAI 100 – echoes the sentiment of many smaller firms who don’t have staff members dedicated solely to compliance. “I’m responsible for it,” Gein says. “I also have other responsibilities, such as making sure all products are tested and meet Prop 65 and CPSIA requirements.” TABLE 14: Are you a certified minority-owned business? Yes No PPAI 100 Suppliers: 10% 90% Suppliers $100M+: 21% 79% Suppliers $50M-$100M: 6% 94% Suppliers $25M-$50M: 0% 100% Suppliers $5M-$25M: 11% 89% Suppliers Under $5M: 0% 100% According to the U.S. Census Bureau’s most recent estimates, there are 1.2 million minority-owned businesses (21% of total U.S. companies) in the country. PPAI • SEPTEMBER 2024 • 75