PPAI Magazine September 2024

4 From PPAI Better Together 7 Creative Calendar Essentials 10 Use Case Gourmet Goodies 16 In Style Good, Better Or Best? Voices 22 Your Business We’re All In This Together 24 Innovation Putting The ‘Proactive’ In PTO 26 Responsibility The Fab Four Must Read 86 Promotional Products Work Seize Golden Opportunities In The Silver Segment Community 92 Buzzworthy 94 PPPC Communiqué 96 Book Club 99 Inside PPAI 103 New Members 107 Datebook 112 Perfect Promo CONTENTS 09.24 VOLUME 48, ISSUE 07 70 Welcome On In Not every promo veteran started out in this industry. Find out how the market continues to evolve through welcoming professionals who started their careers elsewhere. 66 The 106 Greatest Companies to Work For It’s a monumental increase from last year’s list, as more PPAI members are taking culture and support for their employees seriously. 30 The State Of Responsibility 2024 PPPAI Research has examined benchmarking data on corporate social responsibility from distributors and suppliers of all sizes and awards High Marks for Responsibility to new firms. 70 30 66 PPAI • SEPTEMBER 2024 • 3