PPAI Magazine September 2024

pedro alexandre teixeira / Shutterstock.com Good, Better Or Best? Give clients options with a selection of similar garments at different price points to better meet their goals and budgets. By Rachel Zoch ALTHOUGH MANY DISTRIBUTORS are seeing continued demand for retail-branded products, and promo apparel suppliers are adding brand names left and right, not all clients want to pay the premium to add their imprint to a recognized retail brand. (And some retail brands, like Patagonia, restrict cobranding from certain sectors.) Still, between the “quiet luxury” trend and buyers’ increasing focus on quality over quantity, higher-end apparel – or at least the appearance of it – has become more popular. Many distributors have long adopted a good/ better/best approach when pitching apparel, and offering a variety or a name-brand product and a promo dupe of lower price but equal quality are smart strategies when working with cost-conscious clients. Oren John, author of branding advice website Product World, provides a handy definition of good/better/best and says that “having all 3. 2. 1. Essentials | In Style 16 • SEPTEMBER 2024 • PPAI