PPAI Magazine July 2024

Print On Hard Surfaces GOLD WINNER Indiana Metal Craft PPAI 112175, Silver Bloomington, Indiana To produce its holiday ornament for Casa Presidencial de El Salvador, Indiana Metal Craft turned to a combination of artisanal die making, bas-relief casting and skillful print registration and color matching. The fine pewter piece was designed using a UV-cure flat-bed digital printer with 3D capabilities and was digitally post-printed with tight registration and a winning color combination to present an elegant and regal gift. 2024 Pyramid Awards | Supplier Decorating | Must Read SILVER WINNER Bold Promo (formerly Eyevertising) PPAI 536045, Silver Miami, Florida Bold Promo took its client’s mission and value statements and made them tangible with custom UV-printed wooden cubes featuring a unique design and message on each side, such as “Do The Right Thing – Even When Nobody Is Watching” and “Be A Change Agent.” The cubes were given to each of the client’s employees to display on their desk or in their office. PPAI • JULY 2024 • 67