PPAI Magazine May 2024

Community | PPPC Communiqué Sustainable Solutions Promo pros shared lessons and successes from their sustainability journeys at TOPS+ in Vancouver. By Margaret Williamson Batuszkin DURING THE LAST STOP of TOPS+ 2024, its highly successful five-city, Canada-wide promotional trade show tour earlier this year, the Promotional Product Professionals of Canada hosted a 60-minute roundtable session focused on sustainability. The session, held prior to the trade show floor opening, was led by Elizabeth Wimbush, PPAI’s director of sustainability and responsibility, and moderated by PPPC President and CEO Jonathan N. Strauss. Joining the discussion were Denise Taschereau, CEO and co-founder of Fairware Promotional Products and chairelect of the PPAI Board; and Edward Huang, Promobilia (St Regis) vice president of sales and operations and PPPC board of directors member. The panel discussed how curating and sharing resources enables the industry to amplify sustainability and make it more approachable, whether your company is just starting its sustainability journey or in the thick of it but not sure where to go next. Wimbush encouraged attendees to celebrate their sustainability wins, both big and small, and to share these stories and how they achieved success to help inspire and guide fellow members. Attendees asked thoughtprovoking questions, and their collective feedback highlighted the need for more sustainabilityfocused educational opportunities in the industry. Communication and resource-sharing helps to dispel misinformation and leads to more indepth and impactful conversations. Bryson Sask, president of Key Innovations and a PPPC board member, said the session was highly engaging and that the panel provided some interesting dialogue and clarification around environmental, social and governance issues and what it means to the promotional products industry both nationally and internationally. ESG has emerged as a vital framework to measure a company’s impact on the planet, people and their governance, and the panelists discussed how prioritizing sustainable materials, reducing energy and minimizing waste are key for the industry from an environmental perspective. Socially, it’s important to ensure diversity, community engagement and ethical sourcing. Maintaining a code of conduct that includes transparency in reporting and adhering to regulations are both significant parts of proper governance. “The PPPC sustainability session was incredibly valuable” said Shane Brett, COO of Stormtech Performance Apparel. “There were several fresh takes from the industry panel experts that had me scribbling notes furiously. I really appreciate hearing where our distributors and their clients are at in their own sustainability journey, as it helps inform our strategy of what relevant information to provide and how we can deliver it in an effortless way.” The panel discussed how curating and sharing resources enables the industry to amplify sustainability and make it more approachable, whether your company is just starting its sustainability journey or in the thick of it but not sure where to go next. The sustainability panel included Elizabeth Wimbush, PPAI; Edward Huang, St Regis; Denise Taschereau, Fairware; and Jonathan N. Strauss, PPPC. 80 • MAY 2024 • PPAI