PPAI Magazine April 2024

Inside PPAI | Community New Roles And Responsibilities As PPAI continues to grow and evolve, there have been several advancements and expanded roles within the Association to better serve its members and the promotional community. Connie Brazil, representing her key role in developing PPAI’s Solutions Center, identifying and onboarding new business service members and managing accounts within this membership category, is now Channel Development Manager, Business Services. She can be reached at ConnieB@ppai.org. Heather Mangold has been promoted to Strategic Account Manager and will oversee all Professional supplier members – Silver, Gold, Platinum – in the East territory. Taylor Coward will continue managing the West territory. She can be reached at HeatherM@ppai.org. Jessica Gibbons-Rauch, CAS, is now Professional Development Lead in recognition of her leadership in PPAI’s professional development strategy, with a focus on online education and certifications. She can be reached at JGR@ppai.org. Nick DiNicola, in recognition of his role’s expansion to include the Professional tier of distributor members and the Distributor Engagement Program for The PPAI Expo is now Strategic Account Manager. He can be reached at NickD@ppai.org. Kari Banner is now Member Services Project Manager to reflect her expanded role. She can be reached at KariB@ppai.org. Stacey Felice, executive director of PPAChicago, will also work with PPAI in support of its communications with the regional association community. PPAI Media’s #Online 18 The Most Follow-Worthy Organizations And Individuals In Promo Now in its eighth edition, PPAI Media’s #Online18 showcases the promo companies, organizations and professionals who are at the top of their game on social media. Whether you’re on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn or somewhere else, these are the top accounts for the branded merchandise world’s most informative, inspiring and entertaining content. The #Online 18 is broken out into two categories: organizations and individuals. See who made the grade in 2024. Read more about the program and its winners at media.ppai.org. Promo’s Best Organizations On Social Media 18. Promotional Products Professionals 17. Michigan Promotional Professionals Association (MiPPA) 16. Printable Promotions 15. Storm Creek 14. ASI 13. Showdown Displays 12. HALO 11. Walker-Clay 10. HPG 9. SAGE 8. Goldstar 7. AnyPromo.com 6. commonsku 5. American Solutions For Business 4. Maple Ridge Farms 3. Boundless 2. BrandFuel 1. SnugZ USA The Best Promo Pros On Social Media 18. Nenette Gray 17. Sergio Munoz 16. Halle Moore 15. Josh Pospisil 14. Lauren Esser 13. Meg Erber 12. Bill Petrie 11. Kirby Hasseman 10. Stephanie Hinkle 9. Quincy Edwards 8. Abby Burke 7. Sarah Goshgarian Unruh 6. Taylor Borst 5. Jeremy Picker 4. Danny Rosin 3. Joelly Goodson 2. Mitch Silver 1. Nick Lateur Kolonko/ Shutterstock.com PPAI • APRIL 2024 • 79