PPAI Magazine March 2024

Elizabeth Wimbush, director of sustainability and responsibility at PPAI. “They don’t want to just buy stuff – they want to influence positive change with their spending. Brands and companies that focus on educating their buyers about their environmental and social initiatives will continue to gain market share as this trend becomes the standard.” With 81% of Gen Zers valuing diversity, equity and inclusion, companies should ensure that their promotional products and marketing campaigns are inclusive and reflective of diverse perspectives. Emphasizing DEI can enhance brand reputation and appeal, particularly to socially conscious consumers. “We see the Gen Z crowd pushing for more sustainable goods and from DEI vendors for everyday and personal use,” Fullerton says, “but we’re not yet seeing the trend trickle as quickly into home goods, probably because home ownership is out of reach for so many. Popular categories are bags, drinkware and lunch items.” In terms of promo characteristics, 35% of Gen Z consumers prefer products that are environmentally responsible, and 25% look for products that embody DEI (see Fig. 4). Plus, the 85% who view trendiness and cultural relevance as important suggest that keeping promo products culturally aligned and trendy is crucial for appeal. “Gen Z buyers understand the intersectionality in ESG and DEI,” Wimbush says. “A truly sustainable product takes into account the welfare of the people who make it and live in the areas product components come from or are being made. Gone are the days of a sustainable product being solely based on ecofriendly materials.” Embrace Digital No surprise that a significant majority (70%) of Gen Z shows a strong inclination toward promotional products with digital and interactive components. Thus, incorporating non-fungible tokens (NFTs), augmented reality, QR codes and other digital elements could significantly boost the appeal and engagement Consumer Study | Must Read Fun and whimsical Simple and minimalistic Practical and useful Sustainable and eco-friendly Luxurious and high-end Support diversity, equity & inclusion Fig. 4 | Gen Z's Preferences in Promo Characteristics 58.2% 49.3% 60.8% 41.5% 34.9% 25.3% Not important Very important Somewhat important Fig. 3 | Gen Z's Eco Priority in Promotional Products 44.9% 44.5% 8.6% 2.1% Unsure/No opinion PPAI • MARCH 2024 • 71