PPAI Magazine March 2024

Must Read | Consumer Study Gen Z’s Appetite PPAI Research reveals young consumers’ product preferences, core values and strong desire for personalized branded merchandise. By John Corrigan Considering young consumers’ desire for branded merchandise, the future of the promotional products market is promising. After all, Gen Z – the demographic that comes after millennials and generally accounts for people born between 1997 and 2012 – consistently engages with promo. More than one-third (34%) say they use promo products weekly, and 21% say they use them daily, according to PPAI’s latest consumer survey. Gen Z also understands the power of promo, as 68% report that branded merch has a positive impact on brand perception and 63% say they’ve purchased a product or service influenced by a promotional item. Furthermore, more than half (51%) follow brands specifically for their promo products or giveaways. “Promotional products play a crucial role in shaping brand image and fostering loyalty among Gen Z,” says Alok Bhat, PPAI's market economist and senior manager of research. “Their regular use further underscores the importance of 68 • MARCH 2024 • PPAI