PPAI Magazine January 2024

| Must Read Let’s Get Physical Physical activity amounts to a $71 billion segment of the health and wellness industry, representing about 21% of the market, according to a study by Redwood Advisors. It includes health clubs and gyms ($31 billion), exercise equipment ($15 billion), fitness trackers ($15 billion) and personal trainers ($9 billion). Branded items like workout apparel, duffel bags and jump ropes help wellness-related businesses and professionals connect with fitness enthusiasts. Promote Wellness In The Workplace Employee well-being is a major priority for organizations. In fact, nearly 40% place well-being in their top 10 HR priorities, with about 36% reporting it in the top three. The most widely cited employee stressors include an overwhelming workload (62%), difficulty balancing work and personal life (58%) and financial stress (45%). Promos help companies get the word out about wellness events or training programs on managing stress. Reach New Year’s Resolutions With Promo This year, people are approaching health and wellness more holistically. In the past, physical fitness has topped many resolution lists. This year, however, 55% of respondents in a Forbes Health/OnePoll survey say improving their physical and mental health are equally important. Other popular goals this year include improving finances (38%), losing weight (34%), improving diet (32%) and making more time for loved ones (25%). Hit The Gym In the United States, about 39% of adults hold gym memberships and spend about $30 a month to belong to those gyms. Most gym-goers are millennials (45%), followed by Gen Z (35%), Gen X (14%) and baby boomers (6%). Gyms and fitness clubs can use promos in all kinds of ways, from sign-up gifts to incentives for working out regularly. Snooze To Not Lose Poor sleep at night can lead to a plummet in productivity during the day. Gallup reports that in 2022, sleepy workers led to an estimated $44 billion in lost productivity. Businesses can use promo like branded sleep masks and pillow spray to encourage employees to get more quality shut-eye. Bring Some ‘Om’ To Your Marketing About 40 million people practice yoga in the United States, spending more than $15 billion a year on yoga classes and equipment. Most people participate in yoga for stress relief and flexibility, and while yoga is most popular among people ages 30-49, a growing number of kids – about 2 million – have taken yoga classes. The practice can help them stay focused, remain relaxed and release any tension they may be holding. Yoga studios and fitness centers can promote yoga programs and camps with promos like yoga mats, towels and workout apparel. symbiot / saltodemata / Shutterstock.com PPAI • JANUARY 2024 • 47