PPAI Magazine January 2024

42 • JANUARY 2024 • PPAI Voices | Your Business Our Time To Shine Let’s apply the power of promotional products for ourselves. Self-promo is an invaluable platform for promo companies to connect with their clients, draw in new customers and show the world what they can do. By Lindsey Davis, MAS OUR BUSINESSES ARE built around our clients’ needs and finding the right products to fit their campaigns and meet their goals. That focus is where our success comes from. It can also be a blind spot. What about our needs? That’s why I want to talk about self-promo. Great self-promo makes sense. It fits the market and the needs of the distributor. It’s something that clients and prospects will hold onto and represents an avenue for follow-up or a call to action. Kolonko / Paul Craft / Roman Samborskyi / Shutterstock.com