PPAI Magazine January 2024

12 Ways Any Distributor Can Improve Corporate Social Responsibility In 2024 WITH JANUARY BEING A time for reflection and planning, you may be asking yourself: What are my objectives this year, and what will I accomplish? Sometimes, our big-picture goals feel enormous and far away. If you’re a distributor who’s looking to improve your corporate social responsibility impact in 2024, I’d like to offer some help by breaking down transformational change into 12 steps that anyone can take. You can pick one each month to focus on, which all adds up to consistent effort and impact. 1. Ask Your Suppliers Ask your top suppliers what they’re doing in the realm of CSR and use their knowledge to help educate you and your sales staff. So many suppliers in our industry have been working hard in the background on their ESG initiatives and would love to tell you about them. 2. Ask Your Clients Start by asking what their CSR/ESG priorities are so that you can best match your efforts to what matters most to them. Taking the initiative to proactively talk to your clients about this will show you’re forward-thinking, and you’ll also have an extra reason to check in with those you haven’t landed a deal with recently. 3. Measure Figure out how you can track your spending with diverse-owned or sustainably certified suppliers. Will your order management platform keep track? Having a baseline understanding of your spending with these groups will enable you to make strategic decisions in how you vote with your buying power. Increase your impact with 12 steps, one for each month, that add up to consistent effort and effect. By Elizabeth Wimbush Butterfly Hunter Peach / Shutterstock.com 36 • JANUARY 2024 • PPAI Voices | Responsibility