PPAI Magazine January 2024

Brighten Up Color trends for 2024 highlight the middle of the rainbow, with vibrant oranges and earthy greens complemented by cool blues. By Rachel Zoch ALTHOUGH PANTONE NAMED its 2024 Color of the Year, Peach Fuzz, in early December, the color experts released a whole palette based on New York Fashion Week trends earlier in the fall. These hues include some of the earthy colors that have been popular in the past couple of years, but perhaps most notably, the palette points to the middle of the rainbow, focusing on oranges and greens, plus a bright yellow and a handful of blues. When it comes to promo, though, your client’s needs always come first, says Katie Grimes, an account executive with distributor Red Promotions and a PPAI 2023 Rising Star. “If my client’s branding is not going to work with [the trend], it doesn’t really matter,” she says. “At the end of the day, the promo product has to work with their branding guidelines.” That said, Grimes thinks younger buyers are more open to embracing trends in their branded products – and the majority of the workforce is expected to be millennial or younger within the decade. “You just don’t know who you’re selling to anymore,” she adds, “so if you do go in with, let’s call it the generic black quarter-zip, and somebody goes in with this on-trend green or gray piece, that might be perceived higher by somebody that’s younger or in a different demographic or who keeps up more on trends, so I would anticipate a shift in the coming years.” 14 • JANUARY 2024 • PPAI Essentials | In Style