PPAI Magazine December 2023

Must Read | Create Winning Political Campaigns With Promo There’s no debate – promotional products get your message directly into voters’ hands. By Audrey Sellers WHEN IT COMES TO RED VERSUS BLUE, there’s nothing like political merch to help people portray their political preferences. From flags and T-shirts to yard signs and bumper stickers, promos are paramount in political campaigns. Since George Washington’s commemorative buttons in 1789, branded items have helped candidates spread their message, rally supporters and secure votes. Whether contenders are running for a local, state or national election, promo lets them get in front of their constituents and generate excitement. In the United States, the voting-age population is 255 million strong. These people are eager to contribute, with most (69%) believing that voting is the most important action they can take to be a good member of society, according to Pew Research. Fotomay / Shutterstock.com 62 • DECEMBER 2023 • PPAI