PPAI Magazine December 2023

H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H Rising Stars | Must Read Simi Kasakwe- Welsch, 29 Public Relations Specialist American Solutions for Business Starbuck, Minnesota Getting Started In small-town Glenwood, ASB is one of the major employers. “Everybody knows about ASB,” Kasakwe-Welsch says. The opportunity to flex her writing muscles appeared in her current role in May 2021, and the job intrigued her. Earning The Honor “Simi’s positive attitude and desire to learn all about the promotional products industry is infectious and unmatched. She dives in headfirst,” says nominator Christine Fischer, director of automotive markets for ASB. What Is The Value Of Mentorship To You? “It’s passing on what you now know to the people that you want to see excel. And so, a lot of the literature that we learn is not ingrained into our training that the company has. It comes from people who’ve been where we are before, who are on the path that we want to be on and who inspire us.” How Can The Industry Attract More Young Leaders? “Representation is so incredibly important, and it’s something that I strive for in a lot of what I do. I am so happy to be around people who I see in myself, and I don’t just mean the amazing men and women of color that I’ve gotten to meet – I mean the people who are neurodivergent like me. I mean the people who are first-generation immigrants like me. I mean the people who are young mothers with young families like me. Being able to see them in that leadership role and see myself in them makes me want to do more and do better because I know that I can, because somebody who thinks like me and came from the same background as me was able to do it.” What Inspires You To Do Your Best Work? “Definitely the people around me. I think that, as much good and as beneficial to our egos as promotions and titles and awards are, I think making the people around me proud is the most inspiring thing.” PPAI • DECEMBER 2023 • 53