PPAI Magazine December 2023

H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H Rising Stars | Must Read Katie Grimes, 31 Account Executive Red Promotions Temecula,California Getting Started Grimes fell into promo by happenstance, she says, when she started in a talent coordinator role for Origaudio. She became a manager before moving to Red Promotions, where she began as a project coordinator in 2021. Earning The Honor “Katie is an inspiration to our entire team. She is always sharing new, creative product ideas for different teams’ client needs,” says nominator Shelley Stewart, Red Promotions founder and CEO. How Do You Think The Industry Will Change In The Next Decade? “I hope to see a lot of younger faces. I think that processes will improve a lot. I think a lot of the old ways of thinking will have gone out the window. I selfishly hope more trade shows happen. This digital age of not being able to see people and see products in person is kind of annoying. I know we have a handful of them, but I would like to see more of those in the future.” How Can The Industry Attract More Young Leaders? “Education, and it is kind of two parts for me: I think that we need to invest more in college internships – educate and show younger folks how fun this industry can be before they’re actually in it. For example, I didn’t even really know what promotional products were, but if I was going to school and saw people doing something that they love and that they’re passionate about, I would be intrigued. I also think education within our industry is kind of lacking and is super important. I think we need the tools to be able to learn and grow and keep elevating.” What Inspires You To Do Your Best Work? “I work with a team of pretty badass women. They’re the best, and I want to be as good as they are.” PPAI • DECEMBER 2023 • 51