PPAI Magazine December 2023

BUSINESSES USE PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS to surprise and delight recipients, and who doesn’t love a privatelabeled chocolate bar or custom cookie? But these sweet treats don’t make sense for every promotion. After all, a buttery cookie from your doctor’s office or gym would send a confusing message. When a wellness theme makes more sense, there are plenty of promo options for healthier snacks, as well as spices and teas. Locally sourced goodies are also in high demand, with many distributors looking for partners in their area when building fully custom kits for clients. It’s just a matter of creative sourcing – and making sure your clients know you can do it, says Cola Henderson, co-founder and operations director of MYLO Brand Studio, a distributor based in Omaha, Nebraska. “It’s a never-ending education process for us, because there’s so much available in this industry, and we have incredible capabilities and resources,” she adds, “but people don’t know what they don’t know.” People with food allergies are also a growing market that remains underserved. “In our industry, I feel On The Healthier Side Promo has plenty of options for custom candy, cookies and other sweet treats, but customers also want snacks, spices and teas that support health and wellness. By Rachel Zoch 24 • DECEMBER 2023 • PPAI Essentials | Good Taste