PPAI Magazine December 2023

Perfect Promo A Little Something Extra Noticing that most of its competitors included coupons with their ecommerce orders, Del Sol Food Co., based in Austin, Texas, wanted to send customers something more memorable. The company partnered with Houston-based distributor Three K Consultants (PPAI 260216, D2) to create promotional acrylic magnets that would be placed inside packages to get customers’ attention. The team decided on five designs: the top three sellers in the BRIANNAS salad dressing line, one flavor that needed more recognition and a brand-new dressing. The labels for the chosen flavors displayed a variety of colors and highlighted BRIANNAS’ distinct branding, and seeing the bottle-shaped magnets on their fridges served as a reminder to customers to order more dressing. Del Sol reported many customer comments and reviews saying how much they enjoyed receiving the magnets. “It makes their consumer feel like they are getting a gift basket instead of just a pack of salad dressing,” added supplier Morris Magnets (PPAI 182605, S7). New Africa / Shutterstock.com 108 • DECEMBER 2023 • PPAI