PPAI Magazine October 2023

Women Of Achievement 2023 | Must Read says nominator Todd Pottebaum, MAS, president of Quality Resource Group. “If that’s leading teams and initiatives, she’s inspiring others to do the same. If it’s volunteering, she’s inspiring others to join and contribute. If it’s inspiring change, people view her as a tastemaker and want to model themselves after her. Ultimately, her achievements inspire others to do just that – achieve.” David is a PPAI Fellow and recently was presented with the Supplier Visionary award by A Woman’s View, an organization dedicated to supporting women in the promotional products industry. She has also been named one of the most influential people in the industry. Nominator and PPAI Hall of Fame recipient Teresa Moisant, MAS, president of Moisant Promotional Products, calls David the “jewel of the industry.” The two women met at a WLC event 14 years ago and forged a powerful connection. “In 2013, I was asked to head a panel at the Women’s Leadership Conference on the topic of emerging leaders in our industry. Once we got to the Q&A, it became the ‘Brittany session,’” says Moisant. “The questions were all directed toward Brittany. In my 10-plus years of attending the conference, I haven’t witnessed an event that inspired such interaction. What I saw that day was someone who was totally committed to helping others achieve their success. Over the many years, that spirit, combined with the wisdom she has gained, has impacted many in our industry.” To women in this industry, David says, “Don’t ever let anything stop you, especially yourself. It all starts with you. If you want it or will it, you are likely going to achieve it.” She says her parents gave her a head start in life. “My parents put my brothers and me in tons of sports and activities growing up. I learned at a very early age: one team, one voice. I learned how to win, how to lose with dignity, how to celebrate and lift others up.” Chasing runaway softballs taught David about hard work. “Sometimes, you have to do the things you don’t love doing just to get the results you want.” She believes timing is everything, especially when it comes to opportunity. “There is a saying that goes, ‘Opportunity dances with those already on the dance floor,’” she says. “You have to show up, you have to say yes, you have to put in the hard work, and you can’t fear rejection.” Nominator and co-president of BrandFuel Danny Rosin, CAS, says, “She has a sense of extreme warmth, balanced with her ability to make tough decisions even when her ideas or opinions were unpopular. She has earned the respect of her peers. When she walks on stage, the room lights up. People listen but more importantly, they act.” Speaking to her colleagues at WLC, David said, “Thank you to all those who have given me an opportunity. Thank you to those who took a chance on me and elevated me. I am forever grateful. Age is just a number. You can start a new journey and tackle a new challenge any day. With hard work, integrity and the right opportunity, you can do anything.” “She has a sense of extreme warmth, balanced with her ability to make tough decisions even when her ideas or opinions were unpopular. She has earned the respect of her peers. When she walks on stage, the room lights up. People listen but more importantly, they act.” Danny Rosin, CAS PPAI • OCTOBER 2023 • 83