PPAI Magazine October 2023

Distributor Benchmarking TABLE 11. Is your ERP or order management system receiving inventory feeds from 10 or more suppliers? Yes No Not Applicable PPAI 100 Distributors 73% 24% 3% Distributors $250M+ 90% 10% 0% Distributors $50M-$250M 58% 37% 5% Distributors $10M-$50M 73% 27% 0% Distributors $1M-$10M 30% 40% 30% Distributors Under $1M 15% 46% 39% Malik Hemani, CAS Ryan Feigenblatt, MAS Must Read | The State of Innovation 2023 “Based on this data, there appears to be a strong opportunity for small distributors to leverage tools such as SAGE’s live inventory, which is included with PPAI membership,” says Ryan Feigenblatt, MAS, founder and president of The Boca Ratonian, based in Florida. “Distributors of all sizes should consistently and persistently request their supplier partners integrate with SAGE and PDX,” adds Feigenblatt, a member of PPAI’s 2023 Technology Committee. Distributors using SAGE are able to view real-time order status and inventory from suppliers integrating through PDX. TABLE 12. How often do your company’s senior executives review security vulnerability reports? Weekly Monthly Quarterly Annual PPAI 100 Distributors 28% 38% 25% 9% Distributors $250M+ 56% 22% 22% 0% Distributors $50M-$250M 26% 32% 32% 11% Distributors $10M-$50M 20% 20% 40% 20% Distributors $1M-$10M 17% 17% 50% 17% Distributors Under $1M 33% 33% 33% 0% Although cybersecurity should be a top priority for every company, Malik Hemani, CAS, principal and creative director at Houston-based Graphic Stylus, finds these results to be suspect, particularly for distributors making $50 million and under. “I assume small and mid-size distributors are reviewing security vulnerability reports more on the annual side rather than weekly or monthly because they probably don’t have dedicated staff on the technology side doing that,” says Hemani, a member of PPAI’s 2023 Technology Committee. 54 • OCTOBER 2023 • PPAI