PPAI Magazine October 2023

4 From PPAI Let’s Not Be Stupid 8 Feedback Essentials 11 Creative Calendar 12 In Style Tees (And More) For Tykes 16 Good Taste Loco For Cocoa 20 Use Case All Bagged Up Voices 28 Solutions It’s (Almost) The Same Color 30 Your Business The Art Of The Interview 32 Innovation Social Media Dos & Don’ts 34 Responsibility It’s OK Not To Be Perfect Must Read 74 Promotional Products Work Daycare Facilities 80 PPAI Woman Of Achievement Award Recipients Brittany David, MAS Patricia Dugan, MAS Community 88 Buzzworthy 90 PPPC Communiqué 91 Inside PPAI 96 New Members 101 Datebook 106 Perfect Promo CONTENTS 10.23 Supporting Students Since 1989, PPEF has awarded over $3.3 million in scholarships to students connected to the promo industry. Meet this year’s recipients in the following pages. 60 VOLUME 47, ISSUE 08 Coded For Success These nine websites are the best in the industry, each earning a PPAI Pyramid Award in Technology for their creative content curation and ingenious navigation. Read how these promo pros are coding websites for success. 38 The State of Innovation 2023 PPAI research reveals how distributors and suppliers of all sizes are approaching technology and assigns new high marks to some of the companies doing it best. 46 38 46 60 PPAI • OCTOBER 2023 • 3