PPAI Magazine October 2023

GOLD WINNER commonsku PPAI 552077, A1 Toronto, Ontario Website: commonsku.com The commonsku site is designed to provide a positive first impression to distributor and supplier prospects, giving them a high-level overview of the capabilities of the commonsku platform, commonsku events and the community. This includes an intuitive, research-based pillar page with top navigation featuring visitors’ most common areas of concern and questions. Throughout the site, commonsku maintains a light and bright aesthetic in line with its brand. Software can be intimidating, so the company cleaned up the most visited areas of the site and published clear and concise copy to explain the software to create a low-stress experience. These changes resulted in a drastic improvement in the number of demo requests received from the “Why commonsku” and distributor feature pages specifically, as well as a general increase in website traffic. GOLD WINNER Corporate Specialties PPAI 200872, D3 Toronto, Ontario Website: corporatespecialties.com/blog The Corporate Specialties blog features editorial-quality articles that illustrate the core of the company’s concierge-style service. Like a hotel concierge who knows the best restaurants, the Corporate Specialties team knows what promotional products are trending, on-brand and will get results. Blog content focuses on categories that clients want and are biggest sellers, like eco-friendly, apparel, drinkware, bags and tech. Corporate Specialties also focuses on marketing and branding, including a three-part series on marketing strategy that’s the cornerstone of its approach. The result is a well-rounded content plan that keeps customers informed and allows them to spend less time narrowing down the thousands of product choices so they can make more educated purchasing decisions, saving them time and money. Must Read | PPAI Pyramid Award in Technology Web Content/Functionality 42 • OCTOBER 2023 • PPAI