PPAI Magazine October 2023

Innovation | Voices Don’ts: 8 Don’t overpromote. Posting the same message six times in a week is the recipe for convincing followers to tune you out. You can annoy a follower to the point of unfollowing. Find a balance of promotional and valuable content. 8 Don’t feed trolls. Ignore negative feedback unless it’s something you can clearly provide a solution to. We all know that the internet is made up of more than just the good-faith posters we would prefer to interact with. It’s fine to answer a complaint, but you don’t want to validate someone who otherwise wouldn’t be taken seriously. You’d be surprised how many of your followers will read through an argument between a brand and one upset follower if you let it get to that point. Consider taking that discussion to a private message. 8 Don’t overuse hashtags. A hashtag should be used to build momentum for a marketing initiative, a new project or something you want the world to talk about. Don’t just throw a dozen arbitrary hashtags on a post, unless you want it to be immediately processed as spam. 8 Don’t neglect regular posting. You know what thought enters the mind of someone who checks a business’s social account and sees the last post was months ago? They wonder if the company went out of business. Create a schedule and stick to it. 8 Don’t forget to proofread. Social posting can require rapid reactions, but typos are considered a sign of unprofessionalism in pretty much any context. 8 Don’t overshare. I read some posts in the same way I watch a scary movie: with my fingers slightly parted over my eyes. Remember, you want to give a peek behind the curtain, but don’t give away information that will put your team members in a difficult position. Not everything is for everyone to see. DiNicola is the digital transformation manager at PPAI. Matching lids available! PPAI: 111248 | ASI: 35375 | SAGE: 50327 | UPIC: ACCENTS | DC: 101273 Made & Printed in the USA Quick Turn Arounds Low Minimums www.americanaccents.com | 888.287.7883 Scan for pricing! 25 piece minimums! •No extra cost for 1 side, 2 side or wrap imprint •No need for double cupping or sleeeves •Ideal for hot & cold beverages •Multiple print methods available •10 sizes available •Metallic and neon ink colors offered at no extra cost FOAM CUPS PPAI • OCTOBER 2023 • 33