PPAI Magazine October 2023

8 4 guteksk7 / Shutterstock.com Voices | Innovation Social Media Do’s & Don’ts PPAI’s digital transformation manager shares the social media faux pas that make him cringe. By Nick DiNicola I FOUND MYSELF at the airport recently with a delayed flight and a lot of time to kill. I did what most of us inevitably do in that scenario: I scrolled. Once I was caught up on emails, I was deep in the depths of social media, where I saw countless promo businesses promoting their events, products and initiatives while interacting with followers and growing their brands online. What also struck me, though – as I sat in my terminal waiting to return home – was how many business accounts could be confused with personal accounts, which can work if you’re running a side business selling crafts to neighbors, friends and family, but it can be confusing and ineffective for a legitimate, professional business. Don’t get me wrong: A casual or informal voice can help a social brand rise above the noise, but it’s a delicate line to walk, and there are so many spots to slip up along the way. I decided to share a few do’s and don’ts for social accounts in the promo world: Do’s: 4 Define your brand and develop a style that aligns with your business values. You want to ensure that your posts maintain a cohesive and professional tone. 4 Engage and respond promptly. This might be the most tedious part of social media, but in some ways it’s the easiest, and it’s sort of the whole point. Social media is about interaction. It channels you directly to the people you are trying to reach. It’s actually great that they are asking questions or leaving comments. Reward them and keep that conversation going. 4 Use visual content. Talking about a great product only gets you so far. They say “a picture is worth a thousand words,” and no place is it truer than with social media. And please, use a decent-quality picture. 4 Be authentic. Give them something they can’t see anywhere else. Show some behindthe-scenes glimpses of your business. Before and after images of an event are great ways to tell the story of a project accomplished. 4 Promote positive interactions. It can be difficult to pull off, but the best thing social media can do is create a positive community. You can do little things that push your account in that direction. Encourage discussions, conduct polls and ask for opinions to create engagement. 32 • OCTOBER 2023 • PPAI