PPAI Magazine October 2023

I put a disclaimer on the order approval and art approval that PMS colors may not be an exact match due to the color of the substrate, curing methods and ambient temperatures. All those can be a factor in the final color. The color of the substrate can even affect how our eyes perceive the color, even if it is an exact match. RAMA BEERFAS, MAS, CTSM Owner Lev Promotions Santee, California PPAI 218331, D1 Suppliers should be able to match PMS colors on totes by underbasing with white if it’s a dark substrate with a light color print. If it’s a light color tote with a dark imprint, it may not be needed. If you paid for a PMS match, you should get it. If you didn’t pay, then yes, the color can vary slightly from the PMS color you asked for. ERIC LEVIN Executive Vice President alphabroder New York, New York PPAI 781237, S12 Talk to the supplier first and tell them she’s not happy. Show them a photo of the bag, they may just look at it and tell you they will redo it. They may offer a discount to the client to keep them. JULIE WOODALL Account Executive HALO Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin PPAI 716629, D1 It’s (Almost) The Same Color Industry pros are quick to share expertise, insights and opinions on all things promo. Amid this batch of answered questions, distributors share how they handle color matching fiascos, client complaints and refund requests. Compiled by Kristina Valdez Q A Distributor Asks: My client ordered totes and is not happy with the color of the logo. The logo imprint method was silkscreen, and we paid for PMS matching. The color of the proof looked perfect, and I will admit the color on the tote is slightly lighter/more neon. It is not way off, and personally, if I were the client, I wouldn’t have had an issue. However, it is slightly off. Should I respond to the client and say that color varies slightly due to the material in which it is printed or take this up with the supplier? What is considered the industry norm in terms of color variation allowance, particularly if you paid for a PMS match? How would you respond to this client? SKT Studio / Shutterstock.com 28 • OCTOBER 2023 • PPAI Voices | Solutions