PPAI Magazine September 2023

Etching/Engraving/Laser 2023 Pyramid Awards | Supplier Decorating | Must Read GOLD WINNER PowerStick.com PPAI 383252, S10 Ottawa, Ontario The client wanted a product with a nice presentation, a notecard and a simple tech item. PowerStick was chosen to do the job because they could do everything in house as opposed to going to multiple vendors. PowerStick.com took an ordinary piece of foam and turned it into an exciting branding opportunity with laser foam that engraving adds a wow factor and elevates the customized gift experience. The foam design featured not only illustrations but precise text for the logo, all cut with the Precision CO2 Laser Cutter & Engraver. SILVER WINNER A+ Wine Designs PPAI 173549, S4 National City, California The design began with a wrapped and dotted etch pattern framing the logo design, which provided a textured background on the bottle. The Titanium Wireless logo was then etched within the framed textured background, providing the perfect canvas for this intricate design. To achieve the etch, a mask was applied to protect certain parts of the surface while allowing abrasive material to come through on the areas to be carved, then recessed etching in the center of the design gave the lettering an additional tactile dimension. The bottle was then spray painted with a metallic silver PMS to achieve the desired look. After the paint dried, the bottle was cleaned of the mask material and the resulting work of art revealed. PPAI • SEPTEMBER 2023 • 73