PPAI Magazine September 2023

Must Read | Consumer Survey Promo Engagement Increases Consumers’ engagement with branded merch is also on the rise since the pandemic, as 60% now reference promo products for information, more than double that (24%) of two years ago. More than half (52%) say their initial reaction upon receiving a promo product is to Google or look up the website of the company that gave it to them, which is up from 40% in 2021. Furthermore, nearly half (47%) say they’ve posted on social media about a promo item they’ve received, an increase from 36% in 2021. Additionally, two-thirds (66%) of consumers say they can name the advertiser on a logoed product they’ve received in the past 12 months. Two years ago, only 28% said they could. “This is a great measure of how the industry continues to evolve and emphasize with clients the power of promotional products as an advertising and messaging medium,” Davis says. “Quality items result in retention by the recipient. Salesperson training and focusing on results versus simply getting a sale is paying off.” The data also spotlights how effective the marriage between high-quality promotional products and beloved brands can be. Case in It’s quite the shift from 2021, when writing instruments (72.6%) and magnets (68.2%) topped the list. They’ve since dropped to 40.2% and 31.6%, respectively. “Our apparel business grew considerably in 2021 and 2022, with most of it directed towards employee retention,” says David Bywater, president and general manager of Bankers Advertising Company, a distributor based in Iowa City, Iowa. “Our advertising calendar business also grew in both years – both as a distributor and as a supplier. The trends continue to suggest our medium is growing in use, which is always good.” Fig. 3: Reasons Consumers Have Kept A Promotional Product Useful Like the design Reminder of an event or experience Reminder of accomplishments Fun Supports a worthy cause Loyalty Want/need Like the message Attractive to wear / display No need to get rid of it Wouldn’t have bought for myself, but always wanted Identify with a company or brand Sense of connection Feel like part of the community Conversation starter Other I have never kept a promotional product 65.4% 16.4% 39.4% 16.3% 33.2% 14.1% 30.1% 11.3% 23.6% 10.3% 23.5% 0.9% 20.9% 3.8% 18.9% 13.2% 18.4% 16.6% David Bywater 75% of consumers expect reputable organizations to provide promotional products. 56 • SEPTEMBER 2023 • PPAI