PPAI Magazine September 2023

Voices | Solutions Time Is Money Industry pros are quick to share expertise, insights and opinions on all things promo. Amid this batch of answered questions, distributors share how they set boundaries, fire customers and defend their work. Compiled by Kristina Valdez QA Distributor Asks: Through a referral, I’ve been working with a new restaurant client. I had done tons of T-shirt mockups, drinkware suggestions, ordered apparel samples and even corrected some issues with the PMS colors that had originally been assigned by their logo designer. But so far, they have only placed a small order for staff uniforms, as the restaurant is still under construction. They recently hired an assistant with design experience, and I’ve felt a shift. Three weeks later, the assistant wants me to “help her out,” and clarify the embroidery thread color we used on the first merch so she could get aprons done to match. It’s obvious they have gone elsewhere, but I’ve put in a lot of time and effort. How do I respond? Rise above it. Give her the info, and if she comes back, then great. At this point, you have nothing left to lose. It’s a tough lesson, but learn from it and move on. Don’t let them waste any more of your time. Best wishes and good luck. PAUL BUCHANAN Owner B. West Marketing Group Folsom, California PPAI 178448, D2 I am struggling with a similar situation. Created art and a logo and did all of the design work at no charge, with a spoken agreement that I’d get the merch orders. They are using someone else. I tried getting in touch with the original purchaser – she’s embarrassed and is blowing me off so as not to deal with it. The new purchaser just replies to me, “We are good on stock, thanks.” I have decided to send them an invoice for the work I’ve done. No amount of cajoling will convince them to use me, now they are ashamed of their bad behavior and it’s easier to say goodbye to me than look me in the eye and accept that they’ve done me wrong. JULIE WOODALL Owner HALO/Promotion Perfection Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin PPAI 716628, D1 Ljupco Smokovski / pixel creator / zieusin / Shutterstock.com 32 • SEPTEMBER 2023 • PPAI