“Cookies are loved by people of all ages and backgrounds,” says Silver. “They are a universally appreciated treat, making them an ideal gift that can appeal to a wide audience.” Whether your target audience includes children or adults, he adds, most people enjoy indulging in a delicious cookie. Promo is all about making connections and memories, and a cookie is the perfect way to achieve “an immediate trigger to home connections and comfort,” says Rach. “People always comment that it’s just an immediate good feeling,” she adds. “It may go away quickly, but the memories last longer.” Plus, a gift that engages the senses, especially taste and smell, grabs the recipient’s attention in a way that apparel and hard goods simply can’t, Rach says. Food gifts also come with the potential for a low- or no-waste experience. Look for suppliers who offer keepsake containers or packaging that is recyclable or compostable so that when the goodies are gone, the wrapping doesn’t end up in a landfill. For example, SuperLove uses a food-safe, compostable wrap and offers kits with cookies stuffed in a branded tumbler or mug, which both enhances the gift and reduces the packaging needed to keep the cookies intact. “We always use eco-friendly or keepsake packaging. Everything can be discarded mindfully,” says Rach, adding that for clients with environmental and corporate social responsibility targets, promo that helps them achieve those goals is “a win for everyone.” Kits are another winner, and combining cookies with other related items, like branded recipes and cookie cutters, can help keep the sweet times coming after the initial goodies are gone. “Just thinking about freshly baked cookies make me smile,” says Roni Wright, MAS, vice president of The Book Company, a supplier based in Florida, and 2020 PPAI Hall of Fame inductee. “That’s why cookies, and in turn, cookie cookbooks, have a universal appeal. Promotional products that create a positive message, provide long-term exposure and are useful and practical always sell well.” Bottom line, she adds, cookies make people happy. Here are some sweet treats to consider for your holiday self-promos and client programs: Silver sent this Milk & Cookies Gift Box to top clients to celebrate his company’s 30th anniversary. Each includes two 8-inch cookie canisters and a shelf-stable bottle of milk in a custom-designed box. “Not only are the bite-sized cookies tasty, but the cookies can be direct mailed in airtight canisters without additional packaging,” he says. “Sofia’s can even include personalized messages on the outside of the tin, including recipient names.” Sofia’s Cookies / PPAI 481271, S1 / sofiascookies.com Send Sugar Cookie Dots solo or stuffed in a branded mug or tumbler (shown) for added impact and reduced packaging. These bite-sized sugar cookies are baked crisp and buttery to perfection, then topped with Guittard white chocolate and sprinkled with sugar in your choice of color(s). Every order contributes to care packages for military and emergency services personnel working in the U.S. and abroad. SuperLove Cookies & Gifts / PPAI 810506, D1 superlovecookies.com PPAI • SEPTEMBER 2023 • 25 Good Taste | Essentials