PPAI Magazine July 2023

Greatest Companies | Must Read TOP LARGE COMPANIES American Solutions For Business PPAI 101656, D12 Category: Distributor Headquarters: Glenwood, Minnesota Founded: 1981 Top Executives: Larry Zavadil, founder and CEO Justin Zavadil, president Employees: 319 Website: americanbus.com Survey Results: Good pay and benefits, well-informed about important company decisions, employees feel appreciated, new ideas welcome, efficient operations What employees say: “I feel very empowered in my role and motivated to do my best. The company culture has allowed me flexibility to create a great work/home life balance that I greatly appreciate. I also am very confident in the leadership and appreciate the transparency and communication regarding how our business is doing overall.” Barker Specialty PPAI 102001, D7 Category: Distributor Headquarters: Cheshire, Connecticut Founded: 1951 Top Executives: Gerry Barker, president; JoAnn Goodloe, COO; Darlene Bowen, CFO Employees: 94 Website: barkerspecialty.com Survey Results: Good pay and benefits, efficient operations, opportunities to learn and grow, well-informed about important company decisions, employees feel appreciated What employees say: “The company really invests in your success and helps you gain the knowledge you need. There are a lot of tools in place to help and people willing to lead and support when needed. Additionally, we have a great work culture where staff get together outside of work to enjoy shared experiences!” Boundless PPAI 267078, D11 Category: Distributor Headquarters: Austin, Texas Founded: 2005 Top Executives: Dave Klotter, CEO; Huntley Tarrant, COO; Ethan Rudin, CFO; Todd Praisner, CTO Employees: 122 Website: boundlessnetwork.com Survey Results: Good pay and benefits, efficient operations, confidence in the future, tools and training provided, employees feel appreciated What employees say: “Being Boundless is truly a really rich culture of friendship, support, ambition, creativity, knowledge and fun. It’s easy to be into your job when you have good directives from leadership, work with awesome people and make really inspiring projects!” American Solutions For Business Barker Specialty Boundless PPAI • JULY 2023 • 89