PPAI Magazine July 2023

Must Read | Greatest Companies Maple Ridge Farms PPAI 114165, S8 Category: Supplier Headquarters: Mosinee, Wisconsin Founded: 1979 Top Executive: Thomas Riordan, president Employees: 23 Website: mapleridge.com Survey Results: Efficient operations, well-informed about important company decisions, new ideas welcome, motivates employees to do their best, offers tools and training What employees say: “Not everybody is fortunate enough to love their jobs and what they do. I truly feel like I get to work at a company that stands behind its employees, supporting our growth both professionally and personally. Our farm family is just that – a family filled with everyday mentors, leaders and creative thinkers. I couldn’t have asked for a better intro to promo. And I look forward to what the future holds for our team of ‘Ridgers!’” Pride Products Distributors PPAI 192311, D2 Category: Distributor Headquarters: Springfield, New Jersey Founded: 1997 Top Executives: Wendy Ferber and Andrew Nadel, co-CEOs Employees: 10 Website: pride-products.com Survey Results: Good benefits, well-informed about important company decisions, employees recommend working here, new ideas welcome What employees say: “I’ve never had another job where the leadership was this genuinely invested in its employees. They do everything they can to keep us happy, and there is always tons of praise for a job well done. I feel appreciated and very happy with my job. Of course, every job could pay more, but in comparison to other similar positions, the pay and benefits are great. I don’t want to go anywhere.” Red Promotions PPAI 385713 Category: Distributor Headquarters: Bellevue, Washington Founded: 2008 Top Executive: Shelly Stewart, president Employees: 13 Website: redpromo.net Survey Results: Motivates employees to do their best work, confidence in the future, flexible, efficient operations, strong values and ethics, confidence in leadership What employees say: “It is honestly the most amazing place to work. Shelley, our fearless leader, is one of the most genuine, honest, smartest and most beautiful humans I know. I’m blessed to get to work with her, as well as all of the ladies at Red. We are a group of strong independent, hardworking ladies, and that all stems from the top. Even with all of us working remotely, we’ve still managed to find ways to bond and maintain close relationships with each other, which is important to us all. Everyone should be so lucky to have such an incredible work family.” Maple Ridge Farms Pride Products Distributors Red Promotions 76 • JULY 2023 • PPAI