PPAI Magazine July 2023

Greatest Companies | Must Read Competitive Edge PPAI 103776, D6 Category: Distributor Headquarters: Stevensville, Michigan Founded: 1993 Top Executive: Mary Jo Tomasini, MAS, president Employees: 17 Website: www.competitive-edge.net Survey Results: Employee recognition and praise, good benefits package, confident about future of company, motivates employees to do best work What employees say: “The CE leadership team truly strives to create a positive work environment for the entire staff. Their passion and perseverance are inspiring. Clients take notice, and it’s one of the reasons they are loyal to CE. Of course, there are always going to be obstacles, but they are always transparent about our challenges and the steps we will take to rectify the situation. They genuinely care about our growth, both professionally and personally.” City Apparel PPAI 242048, D5 Category: Distributor Headquarters: Findlay, Ohio Founded: 2000 Top Executive: Andrea Kramer, president Employees: 13 Website: cityapparel.net Survey Results: Fair pay, confident about future at company, informed about important company decisions, offers tools and training What employees say: “City Apparel feels like a family and not a company. We lift each other up, support one another and challenge each other to be and do better every day. So many employers make it difficult to balance work and family life, but City Apparel understands the importance of balance and never makes you feel guilty for having to choose one or the other. Nothing beats the feeling of knowing I can be a mom first and employee second.” Concepts & Associates PPAI 134402, D7 Category: Distributor Headquarters: Birmingham, Alabama Founded: 1983 Top Executive: Tim Hennessy, president Employees: 17 Website: conceptsusa.com Survey Results: Fair pay, confident about future at company, informed about important company decisions, offers tools and training What employees say: “I work for a great family-owned and familyoriented company. My pay is great. I’m off nights and weekends, and they understand that things come up and things happen outside of work. They understand family emergencies and try to work with me if I need to be away from the office. It’s a great place to work, and I look forward to the future here.” TOP SMALL COMPANIES (10-25 employees) Competitive Edge Concepts & Associates City Apparel PPAI • JULY 2023 • 71