PPAI Magazine July 2023

Voices | Your Business • Trying to make things equal. Providing balance for your team members won’t always look the same for everyone. Fair isn’t always equal, and that’s OK. What works? • Give trust and create clarity. Fully understand that expectations, goals and boundaries help build confidence and the ability for your team members to own their work. • Be flexible. Encourage time off when someone needs a break, offer flex hours to help people avoid heavy traffic, and support that occasional long lunch or late morning. Value Their Work What doesn’t work? • Messy systems slow salespeople down. Time spent searching for the right file or relearning a difficult process is time wasted, and a lack of improvement can leave your team feeling less valuable. • Pizza parties. If after a hard project or a big goal, your team recognition is another catered lunch, you aren’t being intentional enough in your recognition of their work. What works? • Investing in each team member’s development not only shows you value them, but also that you see them as a long-term contributor to the success of your organization. • Recognizing your team members’ efforts is vital and should include kudos from you and other leaders on your staff. Using incentives and bonuses can be a great way to show longer-term recognition, but don’t forget to use our unique marketing medium to make memorable connections with your own team – a great promo product always creates joy. Joy at work leads to strong and lasting engagement, which can build confidence and effort from your sales team. This doesn’t mean there won’t be hard days, missed goals and failed projects. Instead, for people and teams with high job joy, those inevitable stressors are not major disruptions but minor distractions on the path to success. Davis is the director of business development at PPAI. PPAI: 111248 | ASI: 35375 | SAGE: 50327 | UPIC: ACCENTS | DC: 101273 888.287.7883 www.americanaccents.com Scan for more info! Made & Printed in the USA Quick Turn Arounds Low Minimums • Full color digital imprint • White high-density pulpboard • Made from renewable resources • Available in 35/55/80 pt thicknesses • No additional die cut fee 50 PIECE MINIMUMS! PULPBOARD CAR COASTERS 32 • JULY 2023 • PPAI