PPAI Magazine April 2023

Inside PPAI | Community PPAI Announces 2023 Technology Committee PPAI HAS ANNOUNCED the members of its Technology Committee for 2023. Including industry tech experts from a nearly equal number of distributors and suppliers, as well as service providers, the committee was formed with balance in mind. It is made up of representatives from small, medium and large companies. The committee will identify industry problems and brainstorm viable solutions while enhancing Promo Data Exchange (PDX). “The stated purpose of the PPAI technology committee is to advance the digital transformation of the industry,” says Chris Anderson, CEO of HPG and the technology committee’s liaison to the PPAI Board of Directors. “I can’t think of a more exciting – but also more important – initiative facing suppliers and distributors today, and I am excited to partner with this talented and knowledgeable group to take it on.” PDX will be top of mind for the technology committee. PDX makes it easy for suppliers to share order status and inventory with distributors with a single integration that will eliminate thousands of hours of wasted effort. Eliminating friction and unnecessary phone calls are goals that most of the industry understands can make business much more efficient. Promo companies of all sizes are constantly looking for tech solutions to problems they face in their day-to-day operations. Most issues are shared problems that affect other distributors and suppliers. “We need to find out what our members’ most significant requests and concerns are,” says Nick DiNicola, PPAI’s digital transformation manager. “It’s great to have an exchange of real-world challenges and successes and, as a group, create a pathway to hopefully fixing some of those [issues].” PPAI’s role is to serve the industry as a whole, identify solutions to issues and raise awareness of the solutions, as well as drive adoption where appropriate. “Distributors and suppliers are dealing with the problems, not PPAI,” says PPAI president and CEO Dale Denham, MAS+. “The organizations that are selling and producing know the issues and can craft the best solutions through collaboration. Our role is to bring them together and create the best value for the industry.” WHAT’S HAPPENING Inside PPAI This Month 81 2023 Technology Committee 84 PPAI Expo Direct2-You 2023 85 PPAI Honors 2023 Promotional Products Pioneers 86 2023 In-Person Professional Development Conferences PPAI • APRIL 2023 • 81