PPAI Magazine April 2023

PFAS | Must Read products that have PFAS that we’re selling every day." “If you’re a distributor, you need to be asking questions of your suppliers, and suppliers need to study the issue and understand where and why these chemicals are used. The best advice is to be aware of them and to try to get an education on how they are used and where they are in our inventories.” Industry businesses may or may not be affected by the consumer product regulations related to PFAS. But because the chemicals are so prevalent in goods today, prudent companies should evaluate their potential risk now to determine if PFAS can be found in their products or production methods. Promo companies also have educational opportunities to available to them, as PPAI’s annual Product Responsibility Summit has brought experts together from within and outside the industry to discuss the issue. “More than anything, take the time. Now,” says Brenner. “We’re in the ramp-up before it gets to be where every product is examined for PFAS. Understand where, what and which of your products has some PFAS chemicals in them. Take the time to investigate.” Khattak is the senior digital editor at PPAI. “This is coming, and you need to be aware of it. There are countless products that have PFAS that we’re selling every day.” – Rick Brenner, MAS+ PPAI • APRIL 2023 • 53