PPAI Magazine April 2023

Your Business | Voices Make It Memorable Take the time to do something special. When done right, promo can be memorable, personal and highly effective. Let’s keep this between us, but when done wrong, promo can also be careless and forgettable. Even as industry professionals, we all have that great tumbler we keep on our desk, that bag we always take to the airport and that pen we threaten others never to steal. But when a sales opportunity arises, economic insecurity can make us momentarily forget what makes promotional products so special. Keep these tips top of mind when considering your client’s next campaign: 1. Ask more questions. It’s easy to think you are asking enough, but you are probably asking less than you think. Come up with a few mustasks to deepen your conversations about projects. My personal favorite is, “How do you measure success?” And when I’m really not getting anywhere, a simple, “Tell more about…” or “Help me understand…” will get or keep them talking. 2. Shop and design with the end-user recipient (not the buyer client) in mind. Ultimately, the effectiveness of the product comes down to retention. Emphasize the importance of usefulness, quality and personal connection. Consider Merch Stores Help your clients embrace the idea of a merch store – online or in-person – and give them a new revenue channel that also promotes their company. People who purchase merch are also brand advocates. They become walking billboards and referrals for a company, creating even more revenue opportunities after the product is sold. Keep in mind a few key drivers of successful merch stores: 1. Have a wide range of products and price points. Incorporate items like apparel, technology, personal care, drinkware and bags to make sure the products work their way into the buyer’s life in their home, office or pockets. 2. Keep the design top of mind. Some buyers will love a giant imprint bragging about their inclusion in your community. Some will prefer a more subtle option like tone-on-tone or a simple design. You should be prepared to meet both of these needs. Promotional Products Work In Any Economy Surveyed consumers say that, in times of recession or economic hardship, promotional gifts stand out as a sign of brand value and show that employers care about their workers. 83% Would experience strengthened loyalty to a brand they currently shop with that gave a promotional product. 73% Are more likely to buy from a company that gave them a promotional product that they kept. Unrelated to pay or work schedule, thoughtful gifts are preferred as a way for an employer to show they care, more than: • Discussing career • Recognition on social media • Planning a social event • Educational conferences –PPAI Research People who purchase merch are also brand advocates. They become walking billboards and referrals for a company, creating even more revenue opportunities after the product is sold. PPAI • APRIL 2023 • 31