PPB December 2022

James Pogue , Ph .D How Addressing Diversity, Inclusion And Bias Drives Business Success The PPAI Expo Conference keynote speaker James Pogue, Ph.D., will share how addressing diversity, inclusion and bias within an organization can spur business success. by James Khattak The PPAI Expo delivers compelling education and big ideas to the promotional products industry through The PPAI Expo Conference. The PPAI Expo 2023 will be no different, and the Conference’s day of education will deliver compelling industry speakers and industry experts. One of the most exciting speakers on the Conference’s agenda is James Pogue, Ph.D., who will share actionable insights on the connection between diversity, inclusion, bias and business success. Pogue specializes in diversity, inclusion and multi-generational leadership and frequently consults with companies, colleges and business groups on how to prepare, recruit and retain Millennials and members of Generation Z into their organizations. Earlier this year, Pogue joined PPAI’s North American Leadership Conference in Colorado Springs. There, his session broke down the obstacles and errors that lead to failures in corporate DEI programs, forcing company leaders to consider their unconscious biases. He recently spoke with PPAI Media about his upcoming session at the PPAI Expo Conference, which will focus on DEI and leaders’ roles in driving diverse teams to success. PPAI Media: How is diversity relevant in the promo industry and at businesses today? Pogue: In today’s market, diversity must be recognized as everything that makes us similar or different. If we can increase our diversity acumen, we increase our ability to attract, retain and promote talent. Further, it positions us to connect more deeply with potential clients and customers. PPAI Media: Can you tell me more about a leader’s diversity acumen? What determines it? Pogue: A leader’s diversity acumen is their ability to lead across the diversity spectrum. This means that a perfect leader would lead equally well regardless of the individual. This is a big ask and sheds light on the idea that becoming an inclusive leader is a journey, not a destination. Each of us is a continual work in progress pointed (hopefully) toward an ever-increasing ability to lead. PPAI Media: How does diversity acumen affect a leader’s ability to attract, retain and promote talent? Pogue: The most inclusive leaders will have and be able to execute on a high diversity acumen that allows them to see the best ways to attract talent across the diversity spectrum. Or, in the absence of being able to see, be willing to ask for help to fill their blind spots. These leaders will have little to no problem engaging with team members and asking them what challenges exist to take advantage of organizational opportunities. And then, they will 78 | DECEMBER 2022 | CONNECT