PPB December 2022

That morning, the Mandalay Bay teammade their first promise that the building would be finished in eight months. It wouldn’t be the last time they’d have to reiterate that assurance. Greenberg: Paul, Steve and Bren came on the ASI show floor [after their Mandalay Bay meeting]. I was in the PPAI booth. I looked at them. Paul looked like the cat that just ate the bird. He’s smiling. I said, ‘2004?’ Lage shakes his head, smiling. ‘2003?’ Lage’s smile widens. He nods. A Tightlipped Board: “They had to spend 15 days on mute.” The official decision took place on an April 3 conference call among the board. Slagle was on the call from PPAI headquarters, where the rest of the staff was unaware of the conversation that would alter the careers of many. Slagle: Me and two others were the only staff members who knewwe were looking at Mandalay Bay for 2003. We hadn’t even told our director of expositions, Darel Cook. Filipski: If there was a buzz around the office, it was a positive one. Greenberg: There are a lot of reasons for me to be proud of my board. One was the absolute confidentiality they kept. Once we voted to go to Las Vegas, that was April 3, and the contract wasn’t done until April 18. So, they had to spend 15 days onmute. The next thing that happened once the contract was signed, we immediately pulled the trigger. We had conference calls with every single committee PPAI had back then. Then the staff was gathered, because almost all of the staff didn’t know. Then once the staff heard the news, by about 11 a.m. the emails went out to the industry. Keith Vincent (PPAI director of marketing, 2002-present): I remember thinking it was a bad idea and suggesting we wait a year. It wasn’t that I thought moving to Vegas was a bad idea, but at the time, Mandalay Bay Convention Center wasn’t built. Slagle: It was probably the best kept secret in Association history. Moving Blindly: ‘What if they don’t get the doggone building done?’ The decision had been made. The contract was signed. But would Mandalay Bay be ready able to deliver their promise of a finished convention center? Slagle: We spent about as much time, as I remember, working on the prospect of themnot completing the building as we did on them completing the building. We had to have a backup plan. A Timeline of Expo Memories: 2003 First PPAI Expo at Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas. Magic Johnson speaks during opening session. 2007 Mick Fleetwood of Fleetwood Mac performs a live concert for the Expo attendees. 2011 PPAI announces on the Expo stage a partnership with SAGE that continues to this day. 2015 The PPAI Expo changes its format to a SundayThursday schedule with exhibits open Tuesday through Thursday. 2020 The PPAI Expo’s highest on-site attendance ever. 2021 Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, PPAI hosts its first virtual trade show, PPAI Expo Direct-2-You. 2022 The PPAI Expo returns to an in-person format headlined by Promopalooza: The PPAI Expo Party, live from Allegiant Stadium. 2023 The 20th PPAI Expo to be held at Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas. FEATURE | PPAI Expo | Twenty Years in Las Vegas 66 | DECEMBER 2022 |